Thursday, May 31, 2012

Introduction and Background

This is the blog that I'm starting for my 60 day juice feast. I will be drinking freshly extracted juices of fruits and vegetables for the next 60 days and avoiding all solid foods.

Why? I did a shorter, 14 day fast a couple of months ago and lost 25 lbs. Since then, I've been drinking juices and eating spinach salads as well as some fruits and dates and the odd raw food vegan meal. But I've plateaued and cannot seem to drop the extra 60 lbs that are still hanging around.

So, I've decided to kick it up a notch and commit to doing just juice for 60 days and I thought that blogging every day would help me to stay committed to my goal. I started yesterday and will catch you up with my progress in another post. That puts my 60 days at Saturday July 28th for the last day of my juice feast.

I also thought that an honest look at the juice feasting process would help others who are on the same path or thinking of starting. I'm aware that it won't be all smooth sailing. I have many years of emotional eating connections to sever and I'm going to miss my spinach salad for sure.

I'll give you just a bit of background here. I've eaten a typical unhealthy diet my whole life and I'm 41 this year. I didn't realize how unhealthy meat, dairy and grains were to the body. I won't go into the particulars that I've discovered here. If people are interested, I will share what I've learned. But I imagine that those who are here are like minded and already understand these things.

Back in Mid March, I cut all meat, dairy and grains out of my diet. I did a short juice feast and continued to eat a raw, vegan diet since that time. In April, my husband decided to join me and I took my kids off of all processed foods, white sugar, meat and dairy (though they are still eating a little cheese). I've noticed a huge difference in my children. They are generally more agreeable, more confident and happier--and they don't fight as much. As a homeschooling mother of 4 kids aged 7 to 13, that's a big selling point.

After 11 weeks on raw fruits and veggies I still have a few complaints which I'm hoping this juice feast will correct.
  1. My blood pressure has come down quite a bit. I stopped taking my meds and it's still a bit high, though. I'd like to see it in the normal range. I'll test it tomorrow and track my results. 
  2. Sinus congestion. This is something I've suffered with my whole life and I know now it's from milk and dairy products as well as suppressing the symptoms with medication. I know it will take time to correct, but am hoping that I see an improvement in 60 days.
  3. Foot pain--I've had terrible cramps in the bottoms of my feet--sometimes to the point that it is difficult to walk. 
  4. Weight loss--I'm hoping to lose most of those 60 lbs by the end of the feast. 
I'll sign off now, for anyone who is actually still reading. Onward!

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