Thursday, May 31, 2012


I'll keep this one short.

I wouldn't suggest anyone do this without first preparing for it mentally and physically. Also, if you are on medications you most certainly should consult your doctor before embarking on a juice feast. But anyone can benefit from adding juices to their life.

I have prepared my body for this experience by eliminating all meat, dairy and grains from my diet for a couple of month. I wouldn't suggest going from a typical omnivorous diet to juice feasting without any transition. You will just make it more painful. Detox symptoms aren't fun.

I've also been walking a lot--2 or 3 times a day for the past 11 weeks, so I feel fairly fit for my size. I intend to keep walking throughout the juice feasting, though I realize some days I'll have more energy than others and I intend to listen to my body.

I've practiced EFT for years now and I'm sure this will be a very helpful tool to help me deal with cravings and emotional issues. If you don't know about EFT, look it up. There are lots of instructive videos on youtube. It is quite easy to do and involves tapping on meridian points like you'd see in acupuncture while tuned into an emotional issue or physical discomfort. It moves energy through the body.

I will spend some time meditating each day and will practice some yoga 4 or 5 times a week.

My nutrition will consist of fresh fruit and vegetable juices and an herbal tea or two each day. I will post some before pictures when I get the hubby behind the camera tomorrow.

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