Thursday, May 31, 2012

Day 2 of 60 Day Juice Feast

I felt pretty good today. I had quite a bit of energy and wasn't tempted to eat too much. That is until I made little Greek pita breads and hummus for my children's snack after their piano lesson. The hummus smelled so good, it was difficult to resist. I'll post some recipes of stuff I like and stuff that I make for my kids as I go.

My energy was really good and I went for a long walk (5 km) this evening. I felt a bit flagged out by the time I got to the last trail on my way home, but made it back okay. Maybe I need to take a bit of juice with me next time. I usually do a few shorter walks (around 2 km) a few times a day. The longer ones pose difficulties when I'm juice feasting as it's hard to make it there and back without stopping at a restroom. :)

I did some EFT on the pita and hummus cravings I was having and it helped a lot. I have to remember to do that when cravings strike. I'll probably have to do some more EFT to deal with other emotional links to food as we go. I'll keep you updated on that.

Okay, I'm off for another short walk with the hubby. See you tomorrow.

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