Friday, June 8, 2012

Day 10 of my 60 Day Juice Feast


Today I'm struggling with cravings--the same issues as last night. Stress makes me feel hungry even when I'm physically okay. We had a heck of a thunder storm and big rain, though it didn't last long. I'm thinking I'd best get out and walk while I can.

I did a couple of cups of my heal all tea today, which really increases the detox symptoms. That's probably what is bothering me. I'll just have to keep on chugging.

Food Cravings

First of all the 60 days of juice feasting is just a goal. It is perfectly okay to amend it. I think the trick is to do so intellectually and not emotionally. So while I may feel like eating half of the kitchen today, it won't support what I'm doing with the juice feasting to begin with.

EFT definitely helps with the cravings, because they are emotional. Beyond that I just tell myself that yes, I can have a salad if I want one, but I'll have a juice first and then maybe consider it tomorrow. Usually, after I have the juice I find I don't really need the salad. And if I put the decision off until tomorrow, then I can't say it's because I'm having a bad day. If I really want it still tomorrow, then I'll have it. But usually it's an emotional craving in the moment and a walk goes further to staving it off than an actual salad would.

So I'll hang in there for another day as I'm only living right now anyway and can't control what happens tomorrow. Can I do another 50 days? At this point I don't know. But I can do juice for today--for just one day. I'll try to stay in the now.

The Protein Myth

I've had people say the strangest things to me about eating just fruits and vegetables.

"Oh but what about your protein? How will you get it?"

"And what about your children? They need their protein."

 "Be careful or your muscles will turn to water."

There seems to be a lot of misinformation about this wonderful stuff called protein out there. Apparently we can't live without it. Well, this is a myth--one perpetuated by the meat industry no doubt. How do we live without the stuff?

Never mind that the people in cultures that don't eat meat generally live longer than those that do. I mean, how do they get their protein?

Well, your body cannot use protein to start with--and certainly not in the form of animal proteins. When you eat meat, your body has to break down the proteins into amino acids in order for you to be able to digest it at all. And it creates a lot of acids in your system when it does this, which causes inflammation.

Protein is a nitrogen compound and is high in phosphorus which can deplete calcium from the body.

Our GI track is longer than that of a carnivore (and an omnivore), and it not ideal for digesting meat. Animal proteins putrefy in the body causing body odor and creating toxins in the intestine which create a habitat for parasites and lower the body's ability to absorb other nutrients.

Our animal meats today are filled with growth hormones, herbicides, antibiotics, pesticides, high levels of adrenaline and other toxic chemicals from air and ground pollution. There is a lot of cancer found in cows and chickens today. Not exactly a healthy option.

So, really I don't worry about where I'll get my protein. My body doesn't need it. Neither do my children. And I'm not concerned that my muscles will turn to water, nor whether my eyes might turn into ears. That's just not possible. What we need are amino acids and they are readily available in all fruits and vegetables. They are also present in the form that our body's can digest and utilize.

There are many other problems with proteins as a food source, but I'll leave it at that.

A storm is coming and I'd like to post this before I have to shut down my computer. So I'll sign off there for another day. I'm off to drink the carrot juice I made yesterday. Here's the picture again. It was delicious.


  1. Just stopped by to tell you that i'm down another pant size and I can now walk over hill and dale to my hearts content. I am so thankful you told me about juicing and helped me get started I think you saved my life thanks again.

    1. Good for you, Roger. Happy to hear that. We must have been out walking when you stopped by. I ended up with a bit of a sun headache but am feeling better now. I'm really happy that you are getting around better. It's much easier to walk when you can breathe isn't it? Hope to see you again soon.
