Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Day 8 of my 60 Day Juice Feast


Just a short check in today. Managed to get shopping, then home and had my juice today. Went for a nice walk earlier and spent the rest of the day in the kitchen, making food for the family. Hopefully they'll have enough salads and what not for the next day or two.

Made little mini pizzas for the kids as a special treat as well. It was a real test of my resolve as pizza is probably my favorite food in the world--or at least it used to be. Now, I would love nothing more than a spinach salad. In fact, I'm drooling just thinking about it. But, I'll be able to eat all the salad I want in just 52 days. In the general course of a lifetime, that's nothing. 

I'll post a recipe of the mini-pizzas tomorrow. I had to tie the kids up while I took a picture. :)

Took some heal all tea this evening and all I can say is wow. That, along with the juicy diet, is an incredible detox. I'm exhausted and have some nasty back pain going on--but that's to be expected. Had a little nap this evening so that's why I'm so late posting.

Today's Juice

I know I'm incredibly boring, but this is more watermelon juice and the best green juice I've ever made. This is what I put in it. 4 stalks celery, 1 honeydew melon, 2 small pineapples, 2 lemons, 1 orange, 6 small apples, 6 or 8 kale leaves, 3 inches of an English cucumber, and about a tsp of dehydrated wheatgrass powder.  It was too easy to drink--evidenced by the fact that I have mostly watermelon juice left for tomorrow. :)

Okay, I'm going to leave it there for tonight, because I'm so tired, but will try to be earlier tomorrow.

See you at the end of the show.

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