Monday, June 4, 2012

Day 6 of my 60 Day Juice Feast

Today's Juice

Today I'm back on the watermelon juice due to budget constraints. You just can't beat 32 cups of juice for $5. And I'm not complaining. I love me some watermelon and they are good right now. This will likely last me tomorrow as well and then I'll be ready for something different. I'd post a photo but I misplaced my battery charger for my camera, so it will be just text today.


Today was a good day. My energy level was much better than the past couple of days when I was a little more dragged out from the detox symptoms. I spent most of the day in the kitchen, sipping watermelon juice while I made potato salad, pasta salad and hummus with little pita breads for the kids. I also cleaned the kitchen, did dishes, laundry and made a lot of watermelon juice. I went for a couple of good, fast walks as well. So pretty good energy overall today. I'm still experiencing some aches and pains and probably need to do some yoga for awhile. I'll try to get a bit of that in tonight.

Weight Loss and Loose Skin

Have you noticed on some of those TV shows where people have lost a lot of weight quickly by getting a gastric bypass or other such unnatural means, that the person ends up with a lot of excess skin. Well there are reasons for this.

Often, the person is eating the same things, just less of them and so the body isn't getting the nutrition it needs. When you eat mostly live foods, you are feeding your cells rather than creating a problem for them to have to deal with. So you won't be left with hanging skin once you lose the weight.

All of the people I've seen who have done a juice fast have experienced a shrinking of their skin along with the weight loss. Yes, your body has the ability to do this.

There are a couple of ways that you can help with this process though.

  1. Brushing your skin. This one is simple, just use a bath brush to gently brush your skin as you bathe. This causes the blood to rush to the surface of your body and stimulates circulation. 
  2. Hot and cold. So if you are taking a shower, at the end of it, it's a good idea to alternate between hot and cold shower. Run the shower as hot as you can stand it for a minute, then as cold as you can stand. Alternate 4 or 5 times. This "exercises" your skin, expanding and shrinking the pores. It also forces the blood to the surface of your body and then to your internal organs, promoting more circulation.
  3. Another thing you can do after you have a hot bath is stand up and shower off with cool water--again, exercising the skin.
So nurturing your skin with live foods and exercising it should help you to keep it tight as you lose weight.

I will talk more about skin health tomorrow--and I should be able to get a recipe or two up as well.

See you at the end of the show.


  1. Ok so far my attempt to comment has been futile,I know what your thinking....what a blessing,no more long tailed dappled hoop footed Clydesdale comments oh look there's one now

  2. It worked. Look, a comment. I'll take the long tailed dappled whatever, Roger. I'm just happy it's working. :)

  3. AS you know I have been trying to get my green juice to be a little more tasty,and i think, I have it down to my satisfaction, thanks to you. The secret was more celery and more melon.

    My next goal is to do another detox. If its ok with you I'll ask your advice as things progress Thanks again talk later

