Saturday, June 2, 2012

Raw Taco Recipe

I posted this on facebook awhile back, but thought I'd share it here as well. I got the recipe from Dan MacDonald the Liferegenerator on Youtube. Check out his videos if you get a chance. He is amazing!

Anyway, I tried this about a month ago and it was incredible. So I got out the good dishes and took some pictures. It's quite the feast for a raw foodie. In fact, it's quite the feast for anyone. My kids loved it. Of course I'm not eating this right now--drinking my watermelon juice and drooling over the pictures. :) Here goes.

The Spread

Excuse the messy kitchen, but this was the spread. Quite the feast.

Taco Shells

Flatten the spine on a romaine lettuce leaf, fill and fold over.

The "Meat"

 2 cups walnuts that have been soaked for 8 to 12 hrs. This releases the enzyme inhibitors and allows you to digest the nuts. 1 Tbsp cumin, 1 Tbsp paprika, 1 tsp sea salt, 4 cloves garlic, 1 zucchini (optional, but it does make it a bit lighter in the stomach and lower fat), 1 Tbsp flax oil (you could use hemp oil instead). Puree in your food processor. It tastes like taco meat only it isn't greasy and it isn't actually meat.

A note about nuts. All nuts have enzyme inhibitors. Nuts and seeds are made this way for a purpose. An animal eats the nut or seed along with the fruit. They walk a ways and then defecate, spreading the seed and allowing the plant or tree to reproduce. You aren't supposed to be able to digest them or the plant or tree couldn't spread. Once they get rained on though, they start to change. Their life force is activated so they can grow. So once you soak the seeds or nuts in water, they are then alive and you are better able to digest them.

Soak nuts for 8 to 24 hrs depending on the type of nut. 8 hours is good for walnuts while almonds need 24 hrs. You will find some charts for how long to soak each type if you search the internet.

The Macadamia Nut "Cheese"

 2 cups macadamia nuts, 2 Tblsp brewer's yeast, pinch sea salt, juice of 1/2 lemon--puree in food processor. This turned out quite good. It was surprising that it tasted so much like cheese. It gave that zesty flavor to the taco that you'd get from cheese.


4 avocado, juice of 1 lime, 1 tsp salt, 1/3 red onion, 3 Tbsp cilantro, 1 tsp minced garlic, 2 plum tomatoes or one bigger one. Of course you can adjust this to your tastes, but we loved this combination. I'm not a huge fan of cilantro, so I tend to go lighter with it. This combination was perfect.

Salsa and Toppings
Salsa--3 large tomatoes, cilantro to taste (I put too much in. It's better to put in less and then add more if you think it needs it. The tastes intensify as it sits.), 4 cloves garlic, 1/4 onion, 1 thai pepper (or jalapeno), juice of 1 lime, 1 tsp sea salt.

The toppings in the other dish are chopped tomatoes and green onions.

More Toppings

 Greek Yogurt (I didn't have the right probiotic to make the coconut almond yogurt, but would try that the next time.), avocado slices, alfalfa sprouts. The zucchini slices are for dipping in the salsa and guacamole.

Coconut almond yogurt recipe: 2 cups of soaked almonds, coconut water and meat of a Thai coconut, NCP probiotic (one that is proteolytic). I couldn't find one here but I think you could use a probiotic and a digestive enzyme that can break down proteins. That's what I'll try next time. Blend these together  in food processor until smooth and leave on the counter for at least 3 hrs.

Finished taco
Here's a completed taco before rolling. I tucked in the narrow end and then rolled it up and it held together quite well. The only trouble is, they are hard to stop eating.

This isn't food that I'd make every day. It would be something I'd have for a special occasion or when I had people over for a meal. I don't eat meals much anymore and now it's just all juice. But this is something that's healthy and delicious and a good introduction to raw foods.

It is really easy to make. Takes about 30 minutes if you have the nuts soaked ahead of time and all the ingredients at hand. And it's great for summer as it doesn't require heating up the kitchen. 

I'll post some more recipes as I get time. Enjoy!

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