Saturday, June 2, 2012

Day 4 of my 60 Day Juice Feast

Yes, I'm posting early today. I made some large jugs of watermelon juice last night. All I can say is, wow, there is a huge difference in the taste of a real watermelon with seeds over one of the seedless hybrids. They are just so much sweeter. It is probably the most cost effective juice to make as they are mostly juice. There's very little pulp left once you extract the juice. So if you are on a budget, it's a great choice. I cut up half of my massive watermelon, gave a large plate of it to the kids and made two large jars of juice. What's left of the melon will probably make another four jars of juice and the melon was only $5.

Watermelon is also one of the best juices to drink. It's really good for cleaning those long chain acids from your kidneys and getting them filtering again. And with that comes more movement in your lymph system, which is the key to health and vitality.

My watermelon juice is 1/3 of large watermelon, 2 lemons, 2 apples, a couple of mint leaves and ice. Yum! And today isn't a hot day, but it would be even better in the heat.

If you aren't on a juice feast, and you want to actually eat your watermelon, try squeezing lemon juice on it. It enhances the taste and makes it impossible to stop eating. Well, until you get full that is.

I will share a tip with you today.

Chew your liquids and Drink Your Solids

I know it sounds weird. Basically, if you are drinking a juice, you should move it around your mouth as if you are chewing. This activates your saliva and helps you to absorb all of the phytonutrients and it allows your brain time to realize you are eating something which makes you feel full faster.

If you are eating solids, chew a lot--until it is liquid in your mouth. It takes time to change a habit. Try to chew each bite 50 times. This will slow down your eating, but will also help you to digest your food better so that your body can extract the nutrients from what you eat. Our bodies are so beat up from eating an omnivorous diet that it is very difficult for us to get our nutrition from the food we eat. Blending or juicing green leafy veggies is the best way to supply these in a form that allows your body easy access to the nutrients. But if you are eating your greens, chew them well.

I didn't do very well with getting to bed earlier last night. better luck tonight.

I'm off now for a walk to the library with my daughter. I'll be back later with a recipe.

See you later.

Okay, coming back at the end of the day to check in. Today wasn't easy. My body was screaming at me to eat something--mostly it was the salad that tempted me--and avocado. I have an addiction to avocado--probably because that's the only fat I've really been allowing myself. But I managed to keep juicing.

I find that I turn to food when I'm not feeling well. I was achy today, mostly from detox and partly from the yoga I did yesterday. And I was really tired. I went for a couple of walks but wasn't able to walk as fast as I normally would. I think it's because the watermelon is such a powerful detox. I'm going to try to include one day a week where I just drink one kind of fruit juice--watermelon, grape or diluted orange juice or lemonade (a mix of lemon and apple). The rest of the week I'll try to have at least two kinds of juice in the day--a vegetable based one and a fruit one. I've still got a lot of watermelon to finish tomorrow, but I'll pick up some other stuff to juice as well so I can have something different as well.

I'm off to bed now--at lest to lie down and read. I'm hoping to be asleep by 1:00 tonight, if I can get Sandy to cool it with reading on the computer all night. It's difficult to get my husband away from the news...

Night all!

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